Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Healthy Party Treats
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Tricking Mother Nature
Monday, December 27, 2010
Plants have History
~By the time Columbus landed in the New World, corn had already been cultivated by indigenous people for more than 3,000 years.
~Pilgrims considered tomatoes an abomination on a par with dancing, card playing, and theater going.
~Onion juice in Elizabethan times was used to treat a range of ailments, from baldness to hemorrhoids.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Food Miles
These activities teach your students about where their food comes from and the importance of a healthy diet. All of the activities can be altered for your geographic area.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Fed Up With Lunch
Monday, December 20, 2010
ESL Activities
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Gardening in Alaska
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Worms Everywhere!
1) One pound red worms
2) Wooden or plastic bin
3) Newspaper
4) Food scraps
1) Shred the newspaper and place it in the bin.
2) Add food scraps.
3) Evenly moisten the newspaper by sprinkling water over the bin.
4) Add the worms.
1) The bin will need a lid with holes poked in it so the worms can stay moist and dim and still get oxygen.
2) Drill drain holes in the bottom of the bin and place a tray beneath it. Worms create a nutrient rich moisture as they process the food. This can be captured and fed to plants in the classroom.
3) Worms need to be fed regularly but not overfed because food they don’t eat will rot in the bin. They also need to be checked regularly to make sure that they are not dry. Every few days should be sufficient.
For more information on vermi-composting, visit
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Pizza Themed Herbs
1) Assortment of herbs such as basil, thyme, oregano
2) Window box or flower pot
3) Gravel
4) Potting soil
1) Have students fill the bottom of the container with pebbles or gravel. This will help the soil drain so that the plants never sit in standing water.
2) Next, have them cover the gravel with several inches of potting soil. Getting a little messy is half the fun!
3) Show them how to slip the plants out of their pots. Help them scoop a hollow into the soil in the planter and then add the plants one at a time. Explain that the plants you'll grow are not only edible, but are actually the herbs that taste best on pizza!
4) After all of the plants are in the pot or planter, fill in any gaps between the plants with additional potting soil.
5) Finally, have them put the planter in a bright location. If possible, herbs like several hours of direct sun per day.
6) Encourage your students to make a calendar that reminds them to give the plants a little water each day.
If you snip a bit here and there from the plants, they will continue to grow. So, don't feel bad about gathering what you need to make mini-bagel pizzas. To do this, place sliced mini-bagels on a cookie sheet or baking stone. Add a small amount of tomato sauce. Sprinkle with chopped herbs. Add some mozzarella cheese and heat in the oven until the cheese is bubbly. Be careful; they’ll be hot ... but yummy!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Activity: Winter Snowfall
1) Plastic rulers or yardsticks.
2) 24" to 36" lengths of 1" by 1" lumber.
3) Screws that fit in the holes of the plastic ruler.
4) Wood glue.
5) A hammer or rubber mallet to pound the stakes into the ground.
6) Drill with bit.
1) Glue the ruler to the lumber, so that there is at least a six inch space at the top and bottom of the 1" by 1".
2)When the glue is dry, drill holes through the holes in the ruler into the lumber. Then attach screws to the lumber.
3) Pound the snow stick into the ground, making sure it is deep enough so that the ruler touches the ground. The deeper the stick goes into the ground, the more stable it will remain through the winter. Now the stick is ready to measure snowfall.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Activity: Winter Garden Vision
1) Memory and imagination
2) Seed or garden catalogs that you can cut up
3) Pencils, crayons, markers or paints
4) Pictures of your garden
1)Remember this years’ garden: Make a bulletin board that shows your garden and what happened in it. Use pictures, drawings, painting and whatever else you can think of.
2) Create next years’ garden: Make a plan of your garden for next year. Cut and paste, draw, paint, or create it on your computer. Then put your creation up on a bulletin board or your wall to remind you of what is to come.
3) Plan a special event: Make plans to have a special event in your garden. This could be a Garden Day, a Birthday celebration, tea for friends or relatives, or a harvest party. Make plans for the event, select the date, make invitations and send them out.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Avocado Activity

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Pineapple Party
1) Pineapple
2) Shallow pan
3) Water
4) Soil
5) Pot
1)Believe it or not, you can use the leafy end of a store-bought pineapple to grow a great plant. In fact, it may even triple its size by the time 12 months have passed.
2) Just pick a pineapple with a good, leafy top. Cut that top off, leaving about an inch of fruit attached.
3) Set the pineapple top in a shallow pan, like an old layer cake pan, filled with water.
4) Once it begins to root, plant it in rich soil and keep the dirt moist -- but not too wet. To protect the tropical wonder from extreme cold, bring it inside when the weather drops below 45 degrees.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Activity: Food Bingo
1)Make Bingo cards with different types of fruits and vegetables; use lesser known plants so kids can learn about a brand new fruits and veggies!
--For example, try using kiwis and kohlrabi instead of potatoes and apples.
--Make enough cards for the number of children in your class.
3) Cards with the names of all the fruits and vegetables used on your bingo cards for the caller to shout out.
4)Cards with the letters (B-I-N-G-O)
1)Have the caller draw a letter and a fruit/veggie card. They will call something like “B-Eggplant”
2) When a child gets a row, they call out Bingo.
3) If possible, have these “strange” fruits and veggies available for students to sample after the game.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Garden Pals: Video Exchange
A great option for "visiting" other school gardens is to participate in a video exchange with other schools around the state, country, or world! Wouldn't it be amazing for your students to see their video pen pals from Ecuador growing corn and then standing in a banana jungle?
All you need to create a garden video is a thriving garden and a camcorder. You can either mail the videocassettes or post the video to be shared with another school online.
What should your video show? Keep it simple and interesting--15 to 20 minutes is plenty. Let your students each narrate a small portion, introducing themselves and showing the school and the garden. You can demonstrate the garden games you play or have students talk about their garden stories.
Where can you find schools to share these videos with? If you want to share your video with schools in Wisconsin, visit the for the names of school gardens around the state. For a country wide or worldwide garden, simply do a google search, contact the schools you think would interest your students and begin the communication process.
Happy Traveling!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Activities to Curb Cabin Fever
Watch seeds sprout! Line a glass or plastic jar with a damp paper towel and insert several zucchini or lima bean seeds between the glass and the towel. Place a lid on the jar, leave it by a sunny spot and check the towel every day to make sure it’s still moist. Seeds should sprout in a few days.
Make your very own worm farm! Line a large cardboard box with a garbage bag. Fill it with soil, organic matter and a few warms. Keep it shady and moist, but not too wet. Add vegetable scraps to feed the worms. The worm farm will help teach students about the interdependence of plants and organisms as they watch the worms turn vegetable scraps into valuable compost.
Read a book! Telling a story about gardening to students during winter will get them excited for the growing (and eating) process later in the year.
Start a microfarm! You can grow microgreens (immature plants) for a tasty salad indoors all year long. The entire gardening process only takes about 3-4 weeks. For more information on building a microfarm, visit the Got Dirt? website at
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
December School Garden Ideas
Dec. 1st:
National Eat a Red Apple Day: Try an art project with your students that involve apples. When I was in elementary school, our art teacher had us paint 100 apples, but none of the apples could be the same. It was a horrendous, grueling, pain staking process for a 4th grader…it haunts me to this day. I wouldn’t recommend it. Here’s an activity that is more likely to please;
National Pie Day: Along with the traditional pumpkin or apple pies, try this homemade whoopee pie recipe that includes a secret ingredient…spinach puree!
Dec. 4th:
National Cookie Day: Remember, always in moderation! Here’s a slightly healthier cookie recipe;
Dec. 5th:
Volunteer Day: Take a break from the holiday stress to give your time to a worthy cause. This is a great opportunity to get your student’s in the giving spirit.
Dec. 5-12: Hanukkah
Dec. 17th:
National Maple Syrup Day: Did you know it takes about 40 gallons of sap to make one gallon of syrup? Wisconsin is one of 17 states that produce maple syrup.
National Underdog Day: It seems fruits and vegetables may be the underdogs during the month of December. Everybody roots for the underdog, so cheer them on!
Dec. 18th:
Wear a Plunger on your Head Day: Why not?
Dec. 19th:
Oatmeal Muffin Day: Here’s a great tasting recipe for a healthy treat!
Dec. 20th:
Games Day: Check out our blog for lots of great activities for your students, including games!
Dec. 21st:
First Day of Winter: For most Wisconsinites, winter came long before Dec. 21st.
Look at the Bright Side Day: When it’s 10 degrees below zero with gray skies, try looking on the bright side to perk up your day!
Dec. 25th: Christmas Day
Dec. 26th-Jan. 1st: Kwanzaa
Dec. 31st: New Years Eve
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The History of School Gardens
This could be a great video to watch with your students as a history lesson!
Sit back and enjoy the wealth of information on school gardens and the narrator's fun Eastern accent =)
Monday, November 29, 2010
Edible Flower Power
Please note that not all flowers are edible; some may taste bad and some are even poisonous. Eat flowers only if you are certain they are edible. Consult a good reference book before eating any type of flower.
Below are some suggestions on edible flowers and how to use them!
Marigold: Flavors range from spicy to bitter, tangy to peppery. Sprinkle them on soups, pasta or rice dishes, herb butters, and salads. Petals add a yellow tint to soups, spreads, and scrambled eggs.
Carnations: Carnations can be steeped in wine, candy, or used as a cake decoration. To use the sweet petals in desserts, cut them away from the bitter white base of the flower.
Chrysanthemums: Flavors are typically tangy to slightly better. The petals should be blanched and then scattered on a salad. The leaves can also be used to flavor vinegar. Always remove the bitter flower base and use petals only.
Johnny Jump Ups: The blooms have a mild wintergreen flavor and can be used in salads, to decorate cakes, or served with soft cheese. They are also a great addition to drinks, soups, desserts, or salads.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
More than Pictures
Consider having your students photograph your garden throughout the various seasons.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Grant Opportunity: America the Beautiful Fund
America the Beautiful Fund is also offering The Green Earth Guide on CD-ROM, containing illustrated gardening instructions and ideas on involving the whole community in your project. They are also able to supply your group with gloves through a donation from Wells-Lamont.
This is an on-going grant. Application materials can be found at:
Friday, November 19, 2010
Appleton Schools Make Some Healthy Choices
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Activity: Thanksgiving Comparisons
Paper to draw a Venn Diagram
1) Discuss the history of the first thanksgiving and the food served there.
2) Have students draw a Venn Diagram and have them label one circle “First Thanksgiving” and the other circle “Thanksgiving Today”.
3)Students should write foods that they learned were eaten at the first Thanksgiving and foods that are eaten today. The center of the Venn diagram should include foods that were eaten then and are still eaten today.
It is believed that the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Indians celebrated the very first Thanksgiving feast after harvest in 1621 in Plymouth, MA. It was held as a religious outdoor festival, where hundreds of people gathered to partake in the festivities. It was originally held as a three day celebration.
Historians believe that the menu consisted of venison, roasted turkey, wild fowl including ducks, geese and swans, fish, and lobsters. Vegetables served included pumpkins, squash, beans, dried fruits, cranberries, and dried corn. The sugar supply brought over on the Mayflower from England was nearly exhausted by the time of the first Thanksgiving, so it is widely assumed that wheat pudding may have been on of the only sweet dishes served.
The pilgrims used many spices, including cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, pepper, and dried fruit in the meat sauces they prepared. Many of the meats were put on a spit and turned over a fire for six hours. Since ovens were yet to be invented, pies, cakes, and breads most likely were not at the first Thanksgiving table.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Farmer Market Mania!
Nationwide, farmers markets increased 16%, with the biggest increase among Midwestern states, the USDA found.
The top 10 states with the most farmers markets are: California, with 580; New York (461); Illinois (286); Michigan (271); Iowa (229); Massachusetts (227); Ohio (213); Wisconsin (204); Pennsylvania (203); and North Carolina (182).
Most of those states are among the 15 most populous in the country. Wisconsin ranks 20th in population in the U.S., and Iowa 30th.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Fruit & Veggie Challenge
Simply print off the challenge sheets found on the USDA website link below and have students record the number of fruits and vegetables they eat each day.
Consider giving out rewards for eating the most fruit/vegetables or the most diverse fruit/vegetables. You could even give a party when all the students reach a certain number of fruits and vegetables consumed. The possibilities are endless!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Grant Opportunity: Annie's Grants for Gardens
The grant is on-going and application materials can be found at:
Friday, November 12, 2010
Activity: Where does your garden grow?
1)Pictures of carrots, lettuce, zucchini, blueberries, and papaya. (You can vary these types of fruits and veggies, just make sure you have a plant for each type of growing style)
2)Labels that state “In the ground”, “On the ground”, “On a vine”, “On a bush”, and “In a tree”
--Note: If possible, put magnets on all of these pictures and labels so you can hang them on the chalk board.
1)Hand out the pictures to the students. Each student will receive one picture of a vegetable or fruit.
2)Have the students match the vegetable or fruit to its growing style. Students will need to guess which plant goes with which growing style.
3) Review the results to determine if the students were correct.
4)Discuss why certain plants have certain growing styles. Discuss what other types of plants share the same growing styles. For example, ask” What other vegetable, besides a carrot, grows in the ground?”
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Grant Opportunity: Mantis Awards for Community and Youth Gardens
Any non-profit garden program may apply, including schools, youth camps, and community gardens.
Award packages include a Mantis Tiller/Cultivator with border/edger and kickstand and their choice of gas-powered 2-cycle engine or electric motor valued at $349.00.
Applications are due by March 1, 2011. Application materials can be found at:
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Veggie Music is Always in Season!
Vegetables (tune: Mary had a little lamb)
We are pumpkins, big and round,
Big and round,
big and round.
We are pumpkins,
big and round,
Seated on the ground.
(then try the following)
We are string beans green and fine.....growing on a vine.
We are onions round and white....we make soup taste right.
We are carrots, orange and us sing the song.
We are cabbage green or red....see our funny head.We are corn stalks tall and straight...don’t we just taste great!
The Vegetable Song (Tune: “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”)
Carrots, Peas, and Broccoli,
Vegetables are good for me.
For my snack and in my lunch,
Veggie sticks are great to munch.
Carrots, Peas, and Broccoli,
Vegetables are good for me.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Grant: Bonnie Plants Cabbage Grant
As part of the program, Bonnie gives a $1,000 award to one student in each state.
For more information on receiving free cabbage plants, visit the Bonnie Plants website at
Friday, November 5, 2010
Grant: Fiskars Project Orange Thumb
Please note that everyone who applies will be considered for a grant, but only those that specify they are interested and meet Fiskars’ criteria will be considered for a complete garden makeover. Apply today and help Project Orange Thumb sow the seeds of community change!
Application deadline is December 31, 2010. Applications materials can be found at:
Grant: People's Garden School Pilot Program
The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) is announcing the opportunity for public and not-for-profit organizations to submit applications for a Peoples Garden School Pilot Program grant competition. FNS has set aside $1 million for this pilot program. One grantee will be selected to enter into a cooperative agreement for the purposes of developing and running community gardens at eligible high-poverty schools; teaching students involved in the gardens about agriculture production practices, diet, and nutrition; contributing produce to supplement food provided at eligible schools, student households, local food banks, or senior center nutrition programs; and conducting an evaluation of funded projects to learn more about the impacts of school gardens.
Interested parties must adhere to all the application material requirements in order to be considered for funding. FNS must receive completed grant applications on or before 5 p.m. Eastern Time, Nov. 8, 2010. Applications may be submitted by email to: or
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Farm Fresh to your Table
This atlas also can provide educators with a great resource for contacting local farmers for field trips or class projects.
Grant Opportunity: 'I Can Grow' Youth Garden Award
Who should apply?
Schools and youth educators
Community centers or organizations
Youth groups
What the Youth Garden Award includes:
Up to 500 vegetable and herb plants*
$2,500 for program supplies
On-site assistance for initial garden layout and installation
Installation day event publicity coordination
Five gallons of Daniels® Plant Food (a sustainable fertilizer)
Flip® video camera to document garden progress* Quantity of plants is dependent upon size of garden and need
Applications must be postmarked no later than Friday, December 3, 2010. Award status will be determined in January 2011, and plant material will be delivered based on installation timing in Spring.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Keeping Veggies Fresh
Take a lesson from the The Gathering food pantry’s Food Preservation Project in Milwaukee. The volunteers at The Gathering core the tomatoes, blanch them in pots of boiling water, remove the skins, cut the tomatoes into eighths and put them into 1 gallon freezer bags. They’ve also done this with green and red peppers and cabbage that was simply shredded and then frozen.
To find our more about The Gathering’s project, check out this Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Grant Opportunity: Welch's "Win a School Garden" Grant
The packages are filled with a variety of tools, seeds, educational materials, and more. The top 5 winners will receive a package valued at $1,000 and 95 winners will receive a package valued at $500.
Deadline for submission is February 11, 2011. Application materials can be found at
Monday, November 1, 2010
Growing Healthy
Grant Opportunity: Safe Routes to School
The National Center’s SRTS mini-grant program, now in its third award cycle, seeks creative ideas that match a school’s needs and interests together with ways to help improve safety and/or increase the number of students walking and rolling to school. Schools’ needs and interests could encompass a variety of different focus areas, including: addressing distracted driving and personal safety; engaging children with disabilities; emphasizing physical activity and health; exploring environmental concerns; contributing to a positive learning environment; or participating in civic discussion. Specific guidelines for fundable activities are available at
Applications are available now at
Funded activities must occur at an elementary or middle school between January 2011 and the end of the spring 2011 semester. Applications are due Friday,Nov. 19, 2010, by 8 p.m. EST and recipients will be announced January 2011.
November School Garden Ideas
Peanut Butter Lover’s Month: Make “ants on a log” with your students. All you need is celery stalks, peanut butter, and raisins. Simply cut the celery sticks in half, spread peanut butter in the center, and place raisins on top! A healthy and fun snack that is sure to please everyone!
Native American Heritage Month: Take some time to learn about Native American cuisine. Did you know that the staple foods of the Eastern Woodlands Native Americans were corn, beans, and squash? Fruits and vegetables were also used medicinally and for dye. Try making a vegetable dyed shirt with your class. (See instructions in previous blog posts)
American Diabetes Month: A new study published in a British Medical Journal has found that eating high amounts of green leafy vegetables helps significantly reduce the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
Nov. 14-20: American Education Week: A big thank you goes out to all the educators who try to provide every child with a quality education.
Nov. 1: Electric Light Bulb Patented: Try making a potato battery to light a LED light. It’s a great science experiment. Check it out here:
National Family Literacy Day: Read a book such as “Pumpkin Circle: The Story of a Garden” by George Levenson.
Nov. 2: Cookie Monster’s B-Day: Things have changed from when most of us were kids. Cookie Monster has changed his tune since 2006, showing awareness of healthy eating habits for kids. He has said that cookies are a “sometime snack” and that he also loves fruits and vegetables.
Election Day: Don’t forget to vote!
Nov. 3: Sandwich Day: Have students write a descriptive story about their favorite type of sandwich.
Nov. 7: Daylight Savings Time Ends: Don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour.
Nov. 15: America Recycles Day: Recycling is more than just separating plastic and paper when it comes to your school garden. Hold a discussion about the importance of composting and consider starting your own compost!
Nov. 17: Take a Hike Day: Get active! Take a walk around the block, hike some nature trails, and just run, skip, jump, and play for the day.
Nov. 23: Eat a Cranberry Day: Visit a cranberry bog or invite a cranberry grower to come speak with your class. Did you know that Wisconsin cranberry growers annually harvest enough cranberries to supply every man, woman and child in the world with 26 cranberries?
Nov. 25: Thanksgiving Day: Enjoy this special holiday with your family! Consider having a locally grown thanksgiving meal.
What garden activities do you have planned for the month of November? Share them below!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Grant Opportunity: Lowe's Toolbox for Education
Any individual non-profit K-12 school is eligible for the grant valued between $2,000 and $5,000. Lowe’s is donating $5 million to schools and school parent teacher groups at more than 1,000 different schools.
Application materials can be found at:
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Grant Opportunity: NCR-SARE Youth & Youth Educator Grants
Youth grants are for on-farm research, demonstration, or education projects by youth ages 8-18 and is a $400 maximum grant. Youth educator grants are for educators to provide programming on sustainable agriculture for youth and is a $2,000 maximum grant.
The deadline for the grants is Friday, January 14, 2011. Application materials can be found at
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Vegetable Clothing
With adult supervision, children can learn to make dyes from different vegetables and then tie-dye a T-shirt or piece of fabric using their homemade dye. Carrots, red cabbage and beets are good vegetables to use for dye, and children can experiment by creating different colors.
Shred the vegetables using a grater or food processor, then place them in a pan and cover with cold water.
Simmer on low heat for up to half an hour, and then strain the colorful liquid from the vegetable matter.
To dye fabric (it will only work for natural fibers like cotton and silk), soak it in the dye solution overnight, then rinse well.
Children can experiment by using more or less vegetable matter, combining different-colored dyes and leaving the fabric in the dye for shorter or longer time periods to create different colors
Check out this video that shows a similar project:
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Getting to the Root of the Issue
Monday, October 25, 2010
Grant Opportunity: Muhammad Ali Center Peace Garden Grant
To be eligible for the grant, your school or organization must plan to garden in 2011 with at least 15 children between the ages of 3 and 18. Schools must have a student body eligible for 50% or more reduced or free lunches. Selection of winners is based on the demonstrated relationship between the garden program and peace studies, and nutrition and hunger issues.
50 award packages are available. Winners will receive a “Link-a-Bord” raised garden bed, literature package from NGA, kid’s gardening tools, child-sized gardening gloves, and a composter.
Applications are due by January 5, 2011. Application materials can be found at:
Halloween is Almost Here!
It’s that time of year! It’s pumpkin carving season in Wisconsin. Pumpkins size, color, texture, smell, and taste make them perfect for children’s observations and explorations. But before you toss out all those pumpkin seeds leftover from carving, consider using this great math activity as a learning experience for your students!
At least 2-3 pumpkins per student group (students should be divided into groups of 3-5)
Safe carving knife for cutting open pumpkins
Scooping spoons to remove seeds from pumpkins
Paper and pencils to record observations
--To introduce the activity, have the class discuss what pumpkins look like from the outside and what they might look like on the inside.
--Use roasting and eating pumpkin seeds as an example. If they wanted to go into a grocery store and find a pumpkin with many seeds, how would they know which one to choose?
--The goal of this activity is to determine what characteristics would help predict the number of seeds in a pumpkin.
--Have the students discuss the various ways they could measure and describe the pumpkin. For example, what is the weight, how tall is it, what is the color and the shape, etc.
--The individual groups will then decide on 5 questions to investigate. For example, “How tall?”, “How big around?”, “How many lines around the pumpkin?” Have the students make a graph of these questions and their results for each pumpkin.
--If the group decides to measure the pumpkins, the students can use string to make the measurements, plot the string lengths on a meter stick or yardstick, and translate the findings to the group's chart.
Pumpkin 1
Pumpkin 2
Pumpkin 3
1. How tall?
2. How big around?
3. What color?
4. What is the weight?
5. How many lines on the outside?
1st Seed Count (Prediction)
2nd Seed Count (Estimation)
3rd Seed Count (Exact Total)
--When data collection is complete and recorded, each group will predict the number of seeds in the pumpkin and discuss possible connections between the number of seeds and the pumpkin’s characteristics.
--Cut the pumpkins open, scoop out the seeds and pulp, separate the seeds and pulp and let the seeds dry. Each group can then count the seeds for a total.
You can also have the group estimate the number of seeds they scoop out and then count for an exact number
--Post all the groups charts and results. Compare the exact number of pumpkin seeds with the predictions and estimations. Ask some of the following questions:
How different are the totals?
Do pumpkins with similar characteristics have similar seed counts?
Is there any relationship between pumpkin characteristics and the number of seeds?
But the activities don’t have to end there! You can have the students carve the pumpkins for an art lesson and then display them throughout the school or let them take them home. You can also roast the seeds in a cooking class. Check out our simple, easy pumpkin seed roasting recipe below. Be sure to have a “spooktacular” Halloween!
Toasted Pumpkin Seeds
Ingredients (Makes 4 servings)
1 ½ cups raw pumpkin seeds, dried
2 teaspoons butter, melted
1 pinch salt
1) Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.
2) Toss seeds in a bowl with melted butter and salt. Spread the seeds in a single layer on a baking sheet and bake for about 45 minutes or until golden brown, stirring occasionally.
3) Let cool and enjoy!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Back-to School Garden
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Video: Beehive in the White House's Garden
Check out this neat video about the beehive in the White House's garden!
Use this video as a launching point for a discussion on pollination or the role of insects in your garden!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Activity: Where Do Your Fruits/Veggies Grow?
- Map
- List of where fruits and vegetables are grown (optional)
- Ruler
- Calculator (optional)
- Pencils
- Students can work individually or as teams
- Students can research where fruits/veggies are grown or you can provide a list of for students
- Using a map, have students calculate the number of miles it takes to ship a fruit/vegetable from where it is grown to your school.
- Have students label the map to identify where the fruit/vegetable is grown. Using the ruler draw a line from the place of origin to your school.
- Have students use the scale on the map to calculate the number of miles the fruit/vegetable travels.
- Compare and contrast the distance between various items.
- As a class, discuss the importance of growing/buying locally.
- What is the environmental impact of shipping fruits and vegetables?
- What sorts of fruits/vegetables should students try to buy/grow locally?
- Are any of these items being grown in your garden?
- What are the advantages/disadvantages of being able to ship these products across the country/world?
To find what fruits and vegetables are local to your state and to others, visit The National Resource Defense Council website. Use this site to create a list of fruits/vegetables and their locations for your students to map. This website also allows you to search by season!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Pictures: Hillcrest Elementary's Container Garden
Monday, June 14, 2010
Veggie Swap
Consider hosting your own Veggie Swap featuring the fresh produce from your garden. Invite nearby school gardens and local and family gardeners to harvest the fresh produce from their garden and come together for a fun gardening event.
Gardeners can share and swap their produce. Parents and students can create a pot luck with the fresh produce and celebrate your harvest.
This is the perfect opportunity to try a wide variety of fruits and vegetables and share your bountiful harvest. It can also be an inspirational evening of learning gardening advice and tips for the next gardening season.
Best of all, your students will realize that they are a part of a larger gardening community and their eyes will be opened to even more fruits and veggies.
Check out the map of school gardens in Wisconsin to find a fellow gardener near you. If you have a school garden and aren't featured on the map, let us know and we'll gladly add your school garden!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
100th Post & Photos of Sand Lake Elementary's Garden
Friday, June 4, 2010
Two School Garden Grant Opportunities
Here are a couple of grant opportunities to help make those dreams reality...
Learn and Serve America Grant (Grant deadline: June 15, 2010)
Wisconsin Department of Instruction (DPI) is offering grants to fund service learning projects for the 2010-2011 school year. As DPI explains, the grant "supports service-learning in K-12 school to support the implementation and institutionalization of service-learning as a key instructional methodology for teaching Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) skills across the curriculum."
School garden programs offer a perfect service learning opportunity as students plan, organize, and create their garden project. Plus, there are countless curriculum connections possible.
Check out DPI's website for a grant application and additional details. While the application and guidelines are quite lengthy, it is worth checking out!
AMA Healthy Living Grant Program (Grant deadline: July 15, 2010)
The AMA Foundation created this grant to address our nation's major health issues, including obesity, tobacco, and alcohol. "These grants provide critical funding that can jumpstart a project, affect change quickly, increase visibility for a project/organization, encourage collaboration and make a lasting difference in a community."
An estimated 15-25 grants, valued up $5,000 each, will be distributed to nonprofit organizations that address issues of nutrition/physical fitness; alcohol, substance abuse and smoking prevention; and violence prevention.
A school garden program is a natural fit for the Nutrition/Physical Fitness category. Applicants in this category must include at least one nutrition objective and one physical activity objective. School gardens encourage healthy eating by increasing children's knowledge and consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables. Plus, gardening is a great form of physical activity. The learning possibilities and objectives are endless!
For additional information, requirements and an application, click here!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Photos: Hayward Primary School's Microfarm
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
June School Garden Ideas
June means growing season here in Wisconsin. As your garden begins to burst with produce, incorporate some of these garden activities to keep children excited and interested in the growing process!
June: National Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Month--What a fabulous theme for the month! Celebrate an entire month of fruits/vegetables from the garden or visit your local farmers' market for more fresh produce. Try something new each week and broaden your students' horizons. They may be surprised at what they like!
June 5: World Environment Day--Celebrate environments near and far. Compare and contrast the environment in your backyard to the environment in another part of the world. How does the environment impact what you can/cannot grow in your garden? Draw pictures of what it would look like outside the window at a school in another part of the world. Hang these windows to the world around your classroom.
June 6: National Gardening Exercise Day--Have fun with this day and take your students outside to run, skip, jump and play in the garden. They can imitate a plant growing by standing tall and stretching high. Have students create a garden relay race. Use a vegetable as a baton or have students balance a vegetable on a spoon. No matter the activity, have students go outside and enjoy playing among fruits and vegetables!
June 10: Iced Tea Day--Take a break from all that watering, weeding, and gardening to enjoy a nice, cold glass of iced tea!
June 13: Weed Your Garden Day--Make today a work day in the garden. Teach students the difference between weeds and plants. Recruit volunteer to give your garden a good weeding so that you have a bountiful harvest!
June 15: Fly a Kite Day--Get outside and enjoy the summer by flying a kite!
June 16: Fresh Veggies Day--A perfect opportunity to pick vegetables from your garden and enjoy a summer snack! If your vegetables aren't quite ready to be harvested, have each student bring a different type of vegetable to share at snack time. Find out students' favorite fresh veggie snack!
June 17: Eat Your Vegetables Day--Another wonderful chance to have students try new and unfamiliar vegetables. Have students tally all the vegetables they ate for the day. Create a graph as a class to find out the most popular and/or most unusual vegetables eaten.
June 18: International Picnic Day--Go on a picnic with your class. You can pack healthy foods from your garden or go on your picnic in the garden. There's nothing like eating among fruits and veggies!
June 20: Father's Day--Give Dad a hug!
June 21: First Day of Summer
June 25: Eric Carle's Birthday--Read Eric Carle's The Tiny Seed, which beautifully illustrates the lifecycle of a plant.
What garden activities do you have planned for the month of June? Share them below!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Photos: Boys and Girls Club's Container Garden
They planted lettuce, spinach, kohlrabi, radishes, beans and carrots.
Below are a few pictures from their gardening experience...
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
School Garden Trivia
- Garden stakes
- Laminated trivia/facts
- Glue
- The history and lore of plants provide a great learning opportunity for your young gardeners. After choosing the types of fruits and vegetables you will plant in your garden, research some fun facts about them.
- Type or write the facts on small pieces of paper and laminate them.
- Read the facts to students or have them each share a fun fact or story.
- Attach each fact to a garden stake and place it in the garden. Not only does it help identify what is growing but it offers a little history too.
- Heirloom Seeds Garden Trivia
- Examples:
- "Tomatoes were originally thought to be poisonous and did not gain acceptance in the US until 1820, when Colonel Robert Gibbon Johnson ate a basket full of tomatoes on the courthouse steps in Salem, New Jersey on September 26, 1820. The assembled crowd expected to see the Colonel drop dead. When he suffered no ill effects, the tomato was on its way to become the most popular vegetable grown by backyard gardeners today!"
- "The radish was eaten during breakfast, lunch and dinner by early American settlers. By the late eighteenth century, at least ten varieties of radishes were popular in home gardens. Thomas Jefferson grew eight different varieties in his own gardens at Monticello."
- Ag Day
- Examples:
- "We are eating 900% more broccoli than we did 20 years ago"
- "The bright orange color of carrots tells you they're an excellent source of Vitamin A, which is important for good eyesight, especially at night. Vitamin A helps your body fight infection and keeps your skin and hair healthy!"
Monday, May 24, 2010
End of the Year Poem
The following end of the year poem can be included with a small gardening gift to students, such as a packet of seeds, so that students can continue their school garden project at home over the summer.
The poem can also perfectly compliment the students' container gardens, which they can take home with them over the summer.
Or, simply read it to your students as you wrap up the school year.
In 2009 at the beginning of September,
You came into my class, how well I remember.
Some of you were smiling and giggling a lot,
Some were very quiet and a few tears I did spot.
You came here to learn, to be taught how to read,
You were then very much like a tiny new seed.
You were all in my garden just waiting to grow,
So this gardener got busy with her rake and her hoe.
I fed you the water and let in the sun,
You took in the soil, and we had only begun.
Each day as I worked in this garden of mine,
I saw you all growing so strong and so fine.
Then finally one day I took a good look,
And saw each of my plants reading a book.
It was obvious then that you had worked too
Soaking up all the food I had given to you.
But although you have blossomed, you still need to grow,
So I'll pass you on now to another gardener I know.
She too has a rake and hoe she can use,
And plenty of food from which you can choose.
I hope that you will keep your roots open wide,
Take in all her food and keep it inside.
Yes, a gardener can work all night and all day,
But the plant must be willing to take in each ray.
So work very hard in your garden each year
Do the best you can and you'll have nothing to fear.
Grow strong and tall, reach up for the sun,
Stay as nice as you are and have lots of fun.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Garden Crusader Award
I know that there are fabulous teachers/educators/community members making a difference in the lives of their students by starting a school garden. Here's a chance to be recognized for all of your great efforts or to nominate a stellar gardener in your community.
Awards will be given in four categories: Education, Feeding the Hungry, Urban Renewal, and Restoration.
- Grand Prize winners receive $2,500 in cash and a $2,500 gardening gift certificate
- First place winners receive a $1,000 gardening gift certificate
- Second place winners receive a $750 gardening gift certificate
- Third place winners receive a $500 gardening gift certificate
- (2) Honorable mentions receive a $200 gift certificate
- *All prizes are awarded to the winner's organization in his/her name.
Click here for details and nomination form.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Activity: Chef Chlorophyll
Students will participate in a skit to learn that plants make food through the process of photosynthesis.
- Images of the sun, water, and air (available in the "Teaching Tools" section of
- You may choose to substitute props for the images
- Soup pot
- Large spoon
- Ask the students how they think that plants eat.
- Use humans as an analogy. Humans eat food to get energy. Have they seen plants eat food?
- Explain that leaves help plants make food through the process called photosynthesis.
- If humans could make their own food, it would be like making a piece of lasagna in their arm.
- Perform the following skit to illustrate what a plant needs to make food.
- Holding your soup pot and spoon, introduce yourself as Chef Chlorophyll. Tell your students that you live inside the leaves of a plant and are making food to help the plant grow.
- Taste the soup in your pot and explain, “It tastes okay, but it needs a few ingredients.”
- Ask the students what ingredients the plant needs to grow.
- Each time a student answers a correct ingredient (sun, air, and water) give the student the image of the ingredient and allow them to place it in the pot.
- Repeat until all of the ingredients are in the pot.
- Tell students that the soup tastes just right and now the plant can grow big and strong.
- Have students create recipe cards with what plants need to make food.