Here are just a few ideas for the month of May. Enjoy! And share your suggestions below.
- May: National Salad Month--Celebrate salads and fruits and vegetables. Highlight a new fruit and vegetable each week. Have students research the origins of fruits and vegetables. Enjoy a salad with fresh fruits and vegetables.
- May: National Hamburger Month--In a unique spin to this monthly celebration, teach students that all of our food comes from soil and the Earth. Break down the elements of the a hamburger and trace them to the soil. (Example: Hamburger>Beef>Cow>Grass>Soil; or Bun: Flour>Wheat>Soil). Listen to the song "Dirt Made My Lunch."
- May 2-8: Compost Awareness Week--Start a classroom composting project. (Check out these website for helpful resources Journey to Forever or The Adventures of Herman the Worm)
- May 2-8: National Postcard Week: Find a school garden in another state and exchange postcards. Tell each other about your garden and what you are planting.
- May 2-8: Teacher Appreciation Week: Thank you teachers for everything you do! Thank you for starting school gardens and changing the lives of your students!
- May 4: Bird Day--Make birdhouses or birdfeeders for your garden. Talk about the types of birds that will visit your garden.
- May 4: National Weather Observers' Day--What is the weather like in your garden? Draw a picture!
- May 7: National Family Child Care Provider's Day: Thank you child care providers for everything you do! Thank you for starting school gardens and for changing the lives of your children!
- May 9: Mother's Day: Celebrate mom! Invite her to your garden. Decorate a container and plant mom's favorite fruit or veggie.
- May 20: Pick Strawberries Day--Although it may be a bit early to pick strawberries in Wisconsin, you can still have a strawberry-themed day. Have students wear red, eat strawberries for a snack, make strawberry smoothies, draw pictures of strawberries, or read a book about strawberries.
- May 23-30: National Backyard Games Week: Play games in your garden! Do a relay race, go on a scavenger hunt, or simply enjoy being in your garden!
What school garden activities do you have planned for May?